the next year , shrike tried to stage a comeback . ブラッドリー氏が 彼のトリックを暴いた
the secretary of state could be your friend on this , if you want to stage a comeback . 国務長官は今回の件で 助けとなるだろうね もし君がカムバックを望むなら
having been pardoned by amnesty due to the death of yoshimasa ' s mother , yoshitoshi tried to stage a comeback with the support of norihiro ouchi , the governor of suo province . 文正元年(1466年)9月、義政生母の死去による大赦で義敏が赦免され、義敏は周防の大内教弘の支援を得て巻き返しを図る。
in july , 1183 , the taira troops , that had been attacked by minamoto no yoshinaka , together with emperor antoku and the three imperial regalia and departed from kyoto , but thereafter took advantage of their conflict with minamoto no yoritomo , who was in charge of the government at kamakura , and yoshinaka to stage a comeback of taira support extending as far as fukuhara of settsu province . 寿永2年(1183年)7月、源義仲に攻められた平氏は安徳天皇と三種の神器を奉じて京都を落ちるが、その後の鎌倉政権の源頼朝と義仲との対立に乗じて摂津国福原京まで復帰した。