stage a comeback 意味

発音を聞く:   stage a comebackの例文
  • 返り咲きする


  1. the next year , shrike tried to stage a comeback .
    ブラッドリー氏が 彼のトリックを暴いた
  2. the secretary of state could be your friend on this , if you want to stage a comeback .
    国務長官は今回の件で 助けとなるだろうね もし君がカムバックを望むなら
  3. having been pardoned by amnesty due to the death of yoshimasa ' s mother , yoshitoshi tried to stage a comeback with the support of norihiro ouchi , the governor of suo province .
  4. in july , 1183 , the taira troops , that had been attacked by minamoto no yoshinaka , together with emperor antoku and the three imperial regalia and departed from kyoto , but thereafter took advantage of their conflict with minamoto no yoritomo , who was in charge of the government at kamakura , and yoshinaka to stage a comeback of taira support extending as far as fukuhara of settsu province .


        make a comeback to the stage:    舞台{ぶたい}に返り咲く
        stage a dramatic comeback:    劇的{げきてき}な返り咲きをやってのける
        stage a miracle comeback:    奇跡的{きせきてき}にカムバックする
        comeback:     comeback n. 復旧; カムバック; 《口語》 うまい応答. 【動詞+】 attempt a comeback カムバックをはかる have a comeback for every remark 《口語》 ああいえばこう言う, へらず口をたたく The city made a splendid comeback. その都市は立派に復興した
        amazing comeback:    アッと驚くようなカムバック
        attempt a comeback:    カムバックをはかる
        avoid a comeback by:    (競技{きょうぎ}などで)(人)の追い上げをかわす
        clever comeback:    うまい[賢い]受け答え[反論{はんろん}?やり返し] Can you give me a clever comeback for the next time the interrogation begins?
        comeback album:    カムバックを果たした(CD[レコード])アルバム
        comeback attempt:    返り咲きの試み
        comeback celebration:    帰還祝い
        comeback kid:    カムバック?キッド◆米国第42代大統領 Bill Clinton あだ名◆【語源】州知事時代に選挙で負けても返り咲き、大統領就任後もスキャンダルに負けずにいるから
        comeback putt:    《ゴルフ》返しのパット
        comeback quest:    《one's ~》~のカムバックの道のり
        comeback victory:    《スポーツ》逆転勝ち


  1. "stage a" 意味
  2. "stage a 24-hour walkout 24" 意味
  3. "stage a boycott" 意味
  4. "stage a campaign" 意味
  5. "stage a campaign against" 意味
  6. "stage a concerted drive for" 意味
  7. "stage a counterattack to" 意味
  8. "stage a coup" 意味
  9. "stage a coup d'etat" 意味
  10. "stage a campaign" 意味
  11. "stage a campaign against" 意味
  12. "stage a concerted drive for" 意味
  13. "stage a counterattack to" 意味

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